Monday, August 12, 2019

Ghosted Again & Getting Tired of Online Dating

It's not even the online dating, or the disrespect and ignorance of these seemingly awesome people that really hurts. It's the feeling of being not good enough. Not important enough to even warrant a text back after seemingly weeks of back and forth "good morning, good night" and everything in between texts. It's knowing it wasn't me, but yet not knowing why.

It's the painful wait and yearning to hear something. Anything - even after suspicious lags in calls, texts and terms of endearment. It's actually believing in something real only to have it all crumble and simply fade away - without a reason, idea or second thought. I'm one of those who feel too much, reason, question, respect, research and repeat these empty relationships. Just hoping to find my person.

I'm not one to let ghosters have their passive-aggressive, emotionalally abusive last "non-say." I call these fuckers out. No bashing, begging, name-calling or otherwise. I just hope I'm their last victim.

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